I guarantee over 50% of my life has been spent listening to music. Like most music fanatics out there, we know that this isn't a waste of time, but more like "research" for us. My three favorite ways of discovering music is sharing with friends, hearing the newest tracks by going out and partying (great excuse right ;-) ) and re-discovering older tracks by digging through old music files. I wanted to write this post to showcase 3 tracks specifically. After you guys are done reading this, I highly recommend taking a couple of minutes to youtube the songs and let me know what you think. I wanted to wish everyone a great 2012 and thank you so much for reading this! Cheers :)
LOST- Greenville Massive was sent to me from a good friend of mine named Sarthak. I think out of any person I've ever known or spoken to, Sar is one of the few who actually understands quality and value of music. He's so intelligent and his desire to share is like no other. Thanks to him I discovered this track and what can I say? I'm speechless.... Those who've driven in the car with me, know I switch the track every 30 seconds bc. I get bored of it. I first listened to this track on repeat 4 times... ITS THIRTEEN MINUTES LONG! Needless to say, this track is musical brilliance. People should remember that when you discover tracks this good, the best thing to do is share them with those you know will appreciate them! Thanks Sar!! follow him at @RedDevil09
Moan (Radio Slave remix)- Trentemoller This track takes me right back to 2007... I guess I was a junior in high school at the time. I have over a decade's worth of obsession for discovering and downloading tracks and always having music that nobody else had. I would sit on myspace for hours at a time and dig through different artists music pages. (sad I know...) This song popped up and instantly drew me in. I wasn't sure what I was hearing, but I knew I didn't want it to stop. Back then I didn't understand what I hear now. The lyrics are so deep, her vocals and the chops are amazing. The production is genius, that violin bit... oh my gosh i can keep going! sooooo good! This is the time to go through old files and re-discover those tracks that could have a new impact on you, just as this did to me!
Jungle Drums (Tom Middleton 3D Dub) - The Modwheel This track I just recently heard when my friends and I decided to go see Dubfire at District 36 in NYC. That night I drank a little and remember sobering up and wanting to leave for some weird reason. My friends convinced me to stay an extra 20 minutes or so, and all of a sudden this track comes on. I look at the time and it's way passed 5am, the dance floor is packed and I'm just about going nuts trying to find out what this track is. On the sound system it sounded like the craziest thing I've ever heard and I remember thinking how worth it staying extra was just because I discovered this track. Going to clubs for shows or events out of your comfort zone is what I'm suggesting here. Instead of seeing a mainstream artist check out local talent, or discover something knew. Thats the beauty of how much music and artists that we have access to!